
Kylie Fountain (bottom left) takes on Surf Boat Rowing in her 50’s. The epitome of a great mentality.

How you think is how you will do

Operating from a place of confidence, your body language will be strong, your mind will be clear on who you are, and that will show in how you walk and talk.

In that place you will execute races to the level you know you are capable of.

Operate from a place of fear and that is what will surface. You will be reserved, shy, and the way you race especially will be within yourself.

“It’s important to have the right mentality”

Respect your strengths

Most people downplay their strengths, their wins, their potential. Be it from a place of what’s happened in the past or what you fear people might think of you, people tell themselves all the bad stuff and won’t acknowledge the good.

Write that good stuff down

It will be a struggle, but you dont have to show anybody. Tell yourself all your good points. Remind yourself of your successes.

Recognise you are great

I’m not talking World’s No1 tennis player or Ironman World Champ. Just recognise you have greatness within you and perhaps the biggest strength you have is the fight within. You are willing to put yourself on the line. You are willing to do the work.

Your dreams are worthy of a great attitude

Every day we get up we chase our dreams. Whatever they are. The bigger the dream …. it’s likely to be even more worthy. Hold your dreams and treat them with respect by “doing” all the steps necessary.

“A great attitude isn’t the sole domain of the best in your sport. It is open to all”

Victor Frankel

In “Man’s Search For Meaning”, Victor expressed the opinion that ….. “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing : the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances”


I implore you to have a mentality that you are worthy of greatness and that greatness lies within you. Not outside you.


TT’s and Benchmarking