TT’s and Benchmarking
Testing and Benchmarking should be a tool in any experienced athletes arsenal. This article discusses everything to do with how, why and what to test.
Real Athletes Don’t Train
“Bill, the reason that you topped the courses is that you came to university to learn; everybody else came to pass.”
Periodising A Busy Year
Years ago, the topic of periodising an athletic year was much simpler. The peak was clear and defined. We knew exactly what to aim for.
But now it’s different.
Are You Organised For High Performance ?
I wish I knew back then what I know now. I would love to have had the skills that sport and coaching has taught me about high performance.
Coaching the Coast to Coast
Being an endurance coach is extremely rewarding. You get to see some incredible feats. Adventure racing is exciting for me as a coach and I have done a fair bit of it now with Defiance and Coast to Coast.
One of the most common issues with developing athletes is understanding the role motivation plays.
Taper Basics
If there is a “dark art” in endurance training it would definitely be the taper. But it really doesn’t have to be.
Long Rides
Your weekend bike session says "Endurance" in your program. What does that mean exactly?
Long Course Nutrition Guide
The basic guide to what you will need in an Ironman and / or 70.3
The Value of Fear
Face your doubts. Make them a part of the conversation. Talk about what you don’t want to talk about.
Read your program backwards
The off-season is dead. It’s now time to read your program backwards.
Speed, Strength, Stamina, Skills
Endurance Sport …. The perfect mix of the “4 S’s”. Speed, Strength, Stamina, Skills. That’s why I love it. To me it’s the ultimate challenge.