
It’s been a big year! I thought Covid was a key moment, but our first Post-Covid year was even bigger and I wasn’t expecting it ! The 3 biggest things I saw were …

  1. Travel is back in a big way. This year saw a lot of people travelling overseas.

  2. We are heading back into the office. After a lot of working from home where you could head out for a session through the day we are now being restricted with flexibility again.

  3. Racing is back in a big way. We had a lot of racing last year after a few years being choked down a bit in that area.

Personally I used the time well over Christmas. Sure I had work to do but I got some downtime also. A break in routine freshens me up even if it’s not a week lying on a beach. There are some big things to reflect on as we aim to keep getting better at our sport.

Coaching is thankfully coming back to coaching again. After a few years deep in Training Peaks, Zwift and technology we are finding ouselves heading back to our roots.

Outside rides. Connection with each other and nature. A renewed approach and it feels good. An intuitive approach guided by structure and best practice periodisation and training methods.

Remember, coaching isn’t just a program. The program is the start of the conversation and a part of our collaboration. Collaboration takes communication and whilst we are in an age where we have many forms at our fingertips, we are also bombarded with it on a daily basis. Remember what is important to your development and mental health and be mindful of how many opinions you are taking on board.

In 2024 I want us to keep it simple. Let’s be a part of the new age and challenge ourselves through our passion for endurance sport and aiming high.

Look not just to the intervals and reps for improvement, but to the stepping outside our own comfort zones.

I will make a commitment right here and now to challenge you when you fall into old patterns. To remind you to dig in, work hard and get your training done. To remind you not overdo it. To get a healthy balance in your training, life and career. That will be awkard at times but that’s okay. It’s my job.


Thanks for trusting me to be your coach. Thanks for being a part of our team. Thanks for challenging me every day to be a better coach. I love what I do and I love who I do it with.



Week 1