Don’t Be Distracted

Let’s face it - we live in a world full of information. The trouble is, as I see it, that we are letting that plethora of information become a distraction to us. We have become open to diluting our focus away from where it should be.

A simple plan will beat a complicated plan any day of the week. That simple plan needs to be laser focussed. Train hard, develop fitness, be specific in preparation.

Don’t be distracted by what someone else is doing. Don’t be distracted by what someone else is saying. Dont be distracted from your goals and your plan. The truth is that those distractions are coming to weaken your resolve. You are looking sideways. You are jumping at shadows.

Focus on what’s important.

If you need any type of reminder on what’s important watch some David Goggins or some Lionel Sanders. They care not for Strava. They don’t talk about crank lengths and they don’t debate pacing or nutrition plans. They have their plan and they focus on what matters. The hard work.




Training and Racing on Emotion: