Top 5 Racing Tips

From Pro to First-timer. These are my 5 basic race rules :

  1. Fire UP ! - You won’t race well if you aren’t fired up. I remember my first races as much as my best races. They all had in common one thing…. I was fired up. I wanted to be where I was. I absolutely loved every bit of the racing process.

  2. Have a plan - Have a goal in mind and plan for it. Tiger Woods is famous for saying he plays golf from the hole backwards to the tee. He knows what the last shot looks like and puts in place strategies for each shot that leads into that. He doesnt just smack it up the fairway as hard as he can and works it out from there. He has a plan

  3. Be organised - From Pro to first timer you have to be organised. This isn’t as common as you think. This tip is a favourite of mine for a reason … and that is athletes arent organised. Write a list and a timeline and stick to it. Don’t make it up on the fly

  4. It’s going to be harder than you think - Sorry to break the news, but this is fact. We set race goals through rose coloured glasses. Think back to all your races and “easy” wouldn’t be the first word that comes to mind. When it gets hard - be hard.

  5. Forget the outcome - stick to doing what you have to do. If you are flying to New York you just trust you will get there if you do one thing at a time. Get an Uber to the airport, check-in, go through customs, board, get off, transfer flights …. you get the drift. You can’t control the outcome I am sorry so it’s in your best interests to let it go and just do what you have to do.

Have fun and race hard.


Taper Basics


Long Course Pacing