Catch Up

No weekend races always gives us a great chance to chat about other things that are happening so here’s a bunch of snippets to keep you up to date.

The Evolution of Training Peaks

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on the role Training Peaks has played in coach’s and athlete’s lives over the years. 15 years ago when i am giving athletes a program it was on an excel spreadsheet. Not a lot of detail and certainly no chance to interact coach to athlete.

Training Peaks then entered the room. CTL became part of the language and life was great. It helped athletes understand the role of training load a lot better.

Then we progressed to post-activity comments and things got even “better”. More communication ensued and things went a little deeper at the cost of the time it takes to write an SMS to someone.

But as a coach I feel it can be “flattening” the space a little. The green week can force box-ticking in a world that is so much busier than we experienced 5-10 years ago. The danger lies in waiting for the session to perform it’s magic physiologically when in fact that may be only 50% of the challenge.

The goal for me now is using current technolgies well to get coaching messages across better. Instagram stories containing tips and videos giving nuance to the why’s and how’s of training for endurance sport. More messaging and direct calls with athletes rather than the quick 1-2 punch of the TP comments.

It’s almost a full circle moment coming back to the true values and meaning of coaching but using current technologies to deliver it.

Jonah getting ready for Busso with Daz delivering some IM tips 

Lucy .. First Tri !

Instagram “Close Friends” - Green Circle Stories

As per above I am trialling using Instagram Close Friends to deliver coaching messages directly to HPT athletes only. If you dont have an instagram account perhaps consider creating an anonymus burner account to follow along and let me know your @. Also if you are reading this and aren’t getting them let me know so i can add you.

A few more races to go

With one month to go we have 5 main races on the calendar. Kosciuszko UTMB on Thursday, Ironman Busso this weekend, Callala and Canberra the following weekends and then we finish 2024 with a bang with 70.3 World’s in the beautiful Taupo.

If you are racing, then fire up and rip in. If you are done for the year then train smart into Christmas and get your plans in place by letting me know what your 2025 race schedule looks like.

Busso awaits 

Christmas Party

A reminder that the HPT Christmas Party is on at Sunday Road Brewery on Sunday the 22nd of December at 4pm.

Food will be availaible from the Food Truck on site and we will be providing pre-dinner nibblies to enjoy with your refreshments.

Celebrating Success

The end of a calendar year is always a time to reflect on the journey on that we have had in the last 12 months. This year will be no different.

Just before Christmas i intend to reflect and thank everyone, but also give you a look into how we aim to do things even better in the next 12 months. HPT has been a leader in triathlon coaching for many years. Starting in 2005 we have adapted successfully every step of the way.

We have athletes competing and winning professionally, we have athletes starting the sport from scratch. We have been to the Paralympics and the Commonwealth Games. We compete locally achieving many podiums, and we have competed at AG World Championships in both Short Course and Long Course.

Our goal is not to be bigger. It is our goal to be better. For every athlete, every day, every month and every year. I have never been more excited leading into another year. With an awesome team of coaches on your side in Jess and Jarrod helping me out we are placed nicely to continue leading the way in this space.

But of course a program isn’t a program without amazing athletes and that is the best bit of our team. It’s YOU, putting yourselves out there on the line in training, racing and supporting each other along the way.



