Husky x Tests

Tests and TT’s :

Feels like I looked at a lot of data last week. With a bit of testing going on it was numbers city.

If you did tests … well done.
If you didn’t do tests … hang tight …. the time will be right later

Husky :

There’s a couple of big races we have each year in terms of numbers and Husky is probably the biggest for us. There’s a few reasons for that. It’s not far from home. It’s a well timed race in the calendar after Christmas and 3 months out from Ironman. It also has a lot of options in terms of distances. We have athletes in the 5k run, the sprint, the classic, the classic aquabike and the ultimate.

It’s a great event. We will have the tent set up on the main road this year as I am staying there instead of around near transition. Look out for it opposite the Shimano Tent on the other side of the road.

Good luck to all. Make sure you are prepared and know exactly how you will judge success after the race. If it’s a time or a place you are chasing, be specific and know your paces. If it’s fun then judge it by that. Maybe it’s both.

HPT World Cup - Saturday 29th March

It’s that time of the year to fire up for our World Cup race. This year it will be held at the Nepean Triathlon Super Sprint race on Saturday 29th March

This year, as the race is Australian Super Sprint Championships we will enter our usual age groups so we have a shot at an Aussie title. Then the handicaps get worked out from there.

I really want everyone to consider racing this event. It’s a LOT of fun and good hard racing !


The Big One

