
Round 1 of the T100 series and we saw a lot of carnage out there in amongst all the fast racing.

We really have the start of something big here and it’s only going to get better.

The durability needed in endurance racing is critical. In a field of 40 pro’s we had 11 DNF’s through various reasons. Being fast isn’t enough. I feel like there’s a lot of athletes cooking themselves these days. Indie Lee showed that if you put the work in and show up healthy then rankings are just a number.

The racing was great. I just felt that we needed more athletes on the start line and more spectators on the sidelines.

Race Results

HPT athletes raced this weekend at Mooloolaba and Holbrook.

Josh Wiley was a bit nervous about jumping up to the Standard distance after his debut in Husky but he killed it. I am so proud of him but I was also pleased to hear he is proud of himself. He conquered his fears and came out with a 3:10 and a huge hunger to get better.

Vanessa Herbert has been training well in amongst life with UC and managing a large farm. Vanessa killed it and was 4th female over the line and first in her age.

This week the team heads off to AAA.


AAA Rated


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