Team Update

Racing :

Racing this week was down at The Gong for the Australia day Aquathon. HPT Had 3 athletes racing. Matty Jean, Dan Nicholls and Ryan Beattie swimming in a team. Matty was 12th overall in 42:13. Dan was 16th overall and 1st in the 40-49 in 43:20. Ryan swam his leg in 18min. Well done team !

This week we have quite a few races happening. Tassie 70.3, Batemans Bay, Shark Island Ocean Swim and Island Tri at Stockton. Good luck to everyone racing!

Alpine Camp:

This year’s Alpine Camp was a huge success and built on last year’s experience and execution. With a bit more knowledge under the belt we added in the run to the top of Kosciusko and mostly kept the same schedule from last year in tact.

Congrats to all the campers on your preparation, determination and just pure willpower on the windy ride back from Jindy to Smiggins on Day 4.

Some of the best “sessions” we had were around the dinner table at night where we asked each other challenging questions and got into the weeds a bit with what makes us tick. Opening up was a great sign of the trust built in our team and our willingness to step outside comfort zones.

Huge thanks to Kate Day for her tireless support in the van and general encouragement as everyone pushed up the mountains. Thanks also to Wendy for her encouragement and support.

Also massive thanks to Jess who kept things going back at home base, pushing everyone to keep getting the best out of themselves.


As we head into 2024 and the busy race season I have been, and will be, pushing forward with programs giving you a view a few weeks in advance of where your training will be headed. This has had a lot of positive feedback as athletes tell me they love seeing what’s coming up so they can prepare mentally and logistically for their training sessions.

The challenge with this is how it can get thrown out by sickness or changes to the schedule that I didn’t see coming.

I want you to remember a couple of key things for me so I can help you.

  1. Use the Availability tool in TP if you have other commitments for work or family or holidays. If I know what’s on your schedule I can plan around it.

  2. Keep your races up to date in TP so I am always in the loop.


What a weekend !

