The Athlete Development Model


When you are deep in training it is easy to slip into the mindset of it all being about the physiology of the event. A lot of what we do is definitely all about the "X's and O's. But there is so much more I am looking at under the bonnet so to speak and I am looking to develop. This is the stuff that can go un-noticed but is no less important.

As I look through training files, read Training Peaks comments, have conversations, "notice" things, I am looking for gaps. Gaps in knowledge and gaps in ability to execute.

It might be that the athlete didn't take in nutrition in an edurance session session. It could be an athlete paced a race poorly. It could be that they aren't managing time well and are squeezing sessions in at the end of the day.

They could have got themselves to a level where an upgrade in equipment would be a good investment to make. Perhaps we stumble upon a session type that exposes a weakness in the athlete's physicality. Maybe they are all good for endurance but could do with some speed.

This is one of the reasons why I like to always have a feel for where you are at. The X's and O's only tell you so much.

The attached diagram is just a smallish snapshot of the kinds of areas I look for. Where can I help you improve? Recovery? Consistency? Athlete management? Mindset? These are the areas that count when it comes to athlete development. They help when it comes to being a well rounded, experienced, balanced person.

It isn't all about the Tss !


Training Load Management


Recovery Week